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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

much more than a retailer

London. 28/05/2011. 11.30. Abercrombie & Fitch store:

It is very impresssive, with indoor stairs and balconeys. At the entrance two models welcome you with a big smile. A very handsome boy and a very beautiful girl, both very tall; it could be them:

It's the same inside, it does not matter if they just stand in a corridor or behind a counter. Most of the models (or sales associates) are white. A couple of them dance on the upper tier, seen from below. It's very dark. You have to stand during 45 minutes to pay your goods. Somedays  you have to quee outside for entering the store. While you are waiting you could see nice pictures of atheltes of the beginning of last century, all of them male and white.  

A very big photograph behind the cashiers:

The system works. A lot of foreigners do not miss the opportunity. Today it's crowded with catalans, tt's he UEFA Champions League final. Cash flows in: 100 GBP, 600 GBP, 1300 GBP, 300 GB, and it continues during the whole morning. The company has posted very healthy sales on the first quarter of 2011, the shares are publicly traded and its market value is $7 bio.

However, the impression could be wrong. It's not true that most of the models (or sales associates) are white. One of the main objectives of Abercrombie is to guarantee diversity:

As they say, 50% of their workfoce and models is people of color. 

The reason why all the models in their webpage are white is just because this season's fashion better fits with white skin:

And diversity is only a question of color, nothing else. No matter the color, you will need to have an Abercrombie look, not a just good look to pass the casting:

And this is logical, if you are not very beautiful, you will never be able to stand in front of your guests and say with a big smile:

Hey guys!

If you want to apply for a job in this splendid environment, with equal opportunities for everybody:

You only need to bring sophistication and style,
your brain could be left at home.

And remember, Abercrombie is much more than a fashion retailer,

it's all about style:!/abercrombie?sk=wall

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

diputat ras

Puigcercós: “Em faria molta il·lusió ser diputat ras per una temporada” (el mateix que va dir Zaplana temps enrere)

Digues que sí, després d'aconseguir tots els objectius, incloent-hi la independència, et mereixes un bon descans:

i ni se't passi pel cap renunciar al sou, que t'ho has guanyat amb escreix.

Com a president del grup parlamentari d'ERC, d'acord amb el règim economic dels Diputats i les Diputades del Parlament de Catalunya, Puigcercós cobrarà el 2011 una assignació de 37.143,12 € com a president del grup parlamentari, un complement de 43.460,11 € com a president del grup parlamentari, i una indemnització per despeses de viatge i desplaçaments de 30.156,54 €, és a dir un total de 110.759,77 €. A més ERC rep una subvenció com a grup parlamentari de 1.554.550 €. 

A la web de Esquerra

no s'esmenta que es fa amb aquest i altres ingressos, ni s'especifica el possible sou dels seus dirigents. No cal, ja són prou transparents. 

Per cert, el cost salarial total dels diputats i les diputades del Parlament deu ser uns 10.000.000 €, milió amunt milió avall; la seva feina és molt complexa.
