Blog Archive

Monday, March 28, 2011

nuclears are safe, but with stochastic effects

After the news about the nuclear accident at Fukushima people, especially those close to a nuclear plant, make themselves several questions:

Are all the reactors protected by a safe containment? Are they bombproof? Could the radiation leak from the containment? Could a wrong decision initiate the meltdown (caused by mismanagement or a terrorist)? Could the cooling backup systems fail? Could the used fuel ponds lose the water and contaminate? What does happen with all the nuclear waste? For how long is it radioactive?, etc, etc.

Safety is a question of statistics. The plants are designed calculating the possibility of any event and its consequences. For example, if historic data shows that a big earthquake is possible, the plant building could be designed to stand it. However cost effectiveness has also to be considered, meaning that if an event has a very low probability, we could save costs by not designing the pant for any such event. On the other side of the equation we have human lives but this cannot be helped.  

But we’d better take a look to the opinion of the experts, who have analyzed the most serious accident so far, Chernobyl

The UNSCEAR was established by the General Assembly of United Nations.

(Only one women again; it's nuclear physics).
In 1988, two years after the accident, they issued the first report, followed by others in 2000 and 2001. From 2003 to 2005 some of the Committee's experts participated in the work of the Chernobyl Forum:

all of them members of untouchable reputation!
Their conclusions:
Not too bad, and now it's safe!

Grenpeace always overreacting (200.000!)

Not true victims!

Chernobyl was good for animals. We're all green!

What can you expect from unsophisticated people? 

How they dare to talk about injustice?

The Forum also made several recommendations:

Cost-effectiveness, more industry and avoid perverse people!

Do not exaggerate; private is a must and why not a thematic park: brilliant!

In 2008 UNSCEAR issued another report: 

defining the main terms of the consequences of the accident:

Hopefully they will get comfort when they learn that they are just an stochastic effect:

Probably they were drunk:

Friday, March 25, 2011

A litlle mouse

Paris. 25/03/2011.17.15. A young woman is having a conf. call with work colleagues using her PC from home. In another room her 15 years old daughter is playing with the Xbox 360.
The operating system of the PC is made by Microsoft, but the mouse, the webcam and her daughter's console are also sold by Microsoft.

Microsoft is one of the most important companies in the world with an annual turnover of more than $60 billion and a market capitalization (Nasdaq. MSFT) of more than $215 billion in march 2011. Nobody is surprised that his founder, Bill Gates is the second richest of the world according to last Forbes list.

What is not so well known is that the mouse and the webcam had made a long journey to Paris. Microsoft, as many other companies, who compete on a global market, manufacture their products (or part of them) through vendors:

Therefore, they have to maintain flexibility and cost-effectiveness. The Microsot Vendor Code Conduct could be found in their web:

One of the vendors of Microsoft is KYE Systems Corporation. 

They manufacture mouse and webcams for Microsoft. It is based in Taiwan, but the factories are located in China. According to last financial information, they have an annual turnover of $375 million, an maintain cash and investments for $80 million. Its quoted in the Taiwan Stock Exchange (2365)

Let's see, a Taiwanese company with factories in China selling products to a USA company. Business does not know about political frontiers!

Why in China? Remember, cost-effectiveness!

And they have very strict labor rules:

However, as always the non profitable driven organizations have to make certain claims:

What KYE said?

If you go to their web:

and click:
The Microsoft Blog

you will find very interesting articles about computing, software, the Imagine Cup,smartphones, etc. but if you go to the archives, in April 2010, to the bottom you will find:

and the article continues:

So far, after 11 months seems that nothing has happened, probably indicating that everything was right or that invstigation could take very long (ie: it's not that easy to find out the age of a Chinese girl).

So awake lazy girls!

I'm waiting for my mouse:

and you are very well paid for doing them:

Thursday, March 24, 2011

hipoteques amb criteri

El banc els va donar més del preu de l'habitatge, els va prometre que no tindrien problema en pagar-li, els va aconsellar la compra perquè els preus pujarien, sempre podrien vendre per un preu superior...
i ara no els ajuda ni els facilita el pagament d'acord amb els seus ingressos...

Les excuses de mal pagador!

Els pobres i immigrants han d'aprendre. Si vols negociar amb les entitats financeres un pagament ajornat, descomptes, o fins i tot lliurar la casa a canvi de la condonació del deute per no haver de pagar-la en el futur, has de tenir una patrimonial (una societat): 


Doncs, menys queixar-se, i matricular-se en una bona escola de negocis
