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Thursday, March 10, 2011

comprar a Zara és barat 04.03.2011 Inditex ha aprovechado la oportunidad única de adquirir un local de 3.600 metros cuadrados en el número 666 de la 5ª Avenida de Nueva York (Estados Unidos), en la confluencia con la calle 52, una de las ubicaciones comerciales de moda más importantes del mundo.

El cost? només 330 milions $. No és res per Inditex, amb més de 5.000 botigues, vendes de 15.000 milions € anuals, i amb una caixa de 3.000 milions €. El seu valor en borsa (ITX) és de més de 32.000 milions € el 2011.03.09.

Quin és el secret d'Inditex / Amancio Ortega? Poder vendre a preu baix amb marges de més del 60%, i això requereix produir amb costos molt molt baixos. On?: a Bangladesh és molt barat.

Inditex no té cap empleat a Bangla Desh, allà no hi ha botigues del grup (són pobres), només es fabrica a través de l'outsourcing a proveïdors locals.

Però Inditex vigila als seus proveïdors:

Responsabilidad corporativa:Nos comprometemos con nuestros proveedores y sus trabajadores, con un Código de Conducta que garantiza unas condiciones laborales dignas

Base Code de Ethical Trading Initiative:

Aprobado en 1998 por representantes de la industria textil, sindicatos y organizaciones de la sociedad civil internacional. Se articula en los siguientes 9 principios:
• El empleo se elegirá libremente.
• Se respetará la libertad de asociación y el derecho
a la negociación colectiva.
Las condiciones de trabajo serán seguras e higiénicas
• No se empleará mano de obra infantil.
• Se pagará un salario digno.
• Las horas de trabajo no serán excesivas.
• No habrá discriminación.
• Se proporcionará un trabajo regular.
• No se permitirá un trato inhumano o severo.

Però no sempre es poden evitar els accidents, com va passar el 2005 a la factoria de Spectrum a Dhaka

New Internationalist, July, 2005
Buried alive: Bangladeshi factory collapse highlights dangerous conditions in global sweatshops
It was 1:00am on 11 April this year and the 250-worker night shift was hard at work in the factory housing the Spectrum Sweater Factory and Shahrair Fabrics Industry in Savar Dhaka, Bangladesh. Without warning the factory crumbled onto their heads. After a desperate eight-day-long search dug out survivors--many of them so badly injured they would never work again--the final death toll rested at 74.
The factory, which produced brands for such well-known European companies as Carrefour of France, Cotton Group of Belgium and Zara, Karstadt Quelle of Germany, had been approved for four stories. The owners had taken advantage of this to push the building up to nine stories. The factory was poorly constructed and built on swampland with limited access for rescue vehicles. Previous worker-complaints about cracks in the factory walls had been ignored. The Bangladeshi engineer Aktar-uz-Zaman - who was charged with investigating the accident--discounted initial speculation that the collapse had been due to a boiler explosion, finding instead that the accident was due to 'a faulty design with cheap construction materials and without a solid foundation.'

Inditex va respondre a l'accident a través dels seus projectes d'inversió social.

Memoria de Inditex 2009:

S'ha de veure com un cost més, que s'imputa a les peces fabricades. A més als que es van quedar sense feina no se'ls va haver de pagar.

I els treballadors segur que es van quedar contents. Calculant que hi va haver uns 70 morts (malauradament no es van trobar tots els cadàvers sota la runa) i 100 ferits, són 3.133 € per damnificat, quan la renda per càpita amb prou feines arriba als 1.400 $.

Es van prendre mesures preventives, encara que ja se sap sempre pot haver acccidents: 31/12/2010
Vision: Deadly Accidents, Inhumane Conditions -- Why We Must Fight to Stop Abuse of the World's Sweatshop WorkersConditions at sweatshops overseas have not improved as much as they should have over the past several decades. Not by a long shot.
A fire breaks out in a garment factory near Dhaka, Bangladesh. Fueled by mountains of fabric, the ninth and tenth floors of the building are quickly engulfed in flames, and hundreds of workers rush, panicked, toward the exits. But two of the six exit doors are locked, and all of the building's fire extinguishers are either missing or out of order. In the frenzy, many workers are trampled by their colleagues, while others leap out windows, seeing no other means of escape. In all, at least twenty-eight people die, many of them burned alive. Dozens more are injured.
The disaster is reminiscent of the infamous New York City Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911, when nearly 150 factory workers, most of them women, died as a result of locked exits and a lack of fire safety equipment.
But the above story did not occur in the early 20th century; it happened just two weeks ago at the That's It Sportswear Ltd. factory, which manufactures clothing for major American retailers like the Gap, H&M, Target, JC Penney, Walmart, Kohl's and Abercrombie & Fitch.

That's It Sportwear pertany al grup Ha-Meen group. Entre els principals clients es troba Inditex, encara que per sort aquesta fàbrica no era de les que produïa per a ells, de manera que no hauran de suportar costos. Tal com es veu a la web de Ha-Meen group:

la qualitat és el primer, així que quan compreu a Zara, H & M o Abercrombie, podeu estar tranquils.

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